Three years ago this month we purchased our very first DSLR camera in preparation for the upcoming birth of our 4th child. We wanted to capture the birth, the "It's a ..." because we decided not to find out, and have a camera we could take good pictures of our older three children as well.
When Lilah was born, then diagnosed at 18 hrs old, this camera became an extension of me. I took pictures of her weekly, if not daily. I tried so hard to record each and every change she was making, but more specifically her eyes.
Then, when we were flat broke, and we needed help paying for her medications, trips to Atlanta, etc. I took a VERY large leap of faith and began this venture.
A little over two years ago, Katie Sharp Photography was born. Out of necessity...I found a hobby, a passion, then a way to help my family fill the void.
In Lilah's short almost 3 years of life, mine has been rocked, but more than that my family has been blessed more times than I could EVER explain on here, or anywhere else. God didn't give me the child I prayed for, He gave me what I needed. I am closer in my walk with HIM today than I could have ever been.
Lilah has blessed us...

I want to bless someone in return.
I am giving my very first camera, what started it all, what drove the necessity to an art...
to a very deserving person.
I am asking you all to nominate someone who would use this to capture their family like they have always wanted. I want to know their story.
I am not looking for praise for this. I am looking to bless someone, like I have been blessed.
I have asked a few friends to help me. One is a very talented photographer who blessed someone with her most precious camera last year. I asked her if she minded me using the same idea. Then I asked her if she would help me pick the person who deserves this camera.
Please email me at with a nominee and their story. In a few weeks...I, with some very trusted friends and family, will choose the person and family to bless.
I may not have much. I may not be able to give back anywhere near what we have been given and blessed with, but I can help someone capture their memories and to me...that is priceless.
Thank you!